Friday, April 24, 2009

Twitter Workshop at Peabody Chamber of Commerce

Starting May 1st, I'll be conducting a workshop series at the Peabody Chamber of Commerce in Peabody MA.

The first workshop session is about Twitter: what it is, who's tweeting, why tweet. Workshop participants, who attended an introductory session today, will learn how to set up an account, will find some people to follow and will follow each other as we continue through the series. We'll also learn how to craft a useful tweet in 140 characters or less. Additionally, we'll discuss using Twitter as a search engine, a research tool and how to manage online reputation using this popular tool.

The upcoming social media marketing sessions include setting up a facebook page for business, utilizing Linkedin as a business networking tool and blogging, and each workshop will include setting up accounts, modifying settings, working with templates and more.

Participants will become part of the SMM Club, which is a great way to business owners to compare, consult and communicate with each other has they learn how to harness the power of social media marketing.


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